Who should we as Christians vote for in the mid-term election of Congress?
What are the track records of the candidates and which of them most favor biblical values?
Below is info taken directly from the folks at "The Pray In Jesus Name Project" where they have gathered all of this information and put it together for you so that you may make an informed decision about your vote. We all saw what happened with the last presidential election when the majority makes an misinformed decision. I'm still not even sure if we really know who our president is or where he came from....?
Fortunately, we do not have to repeat the mistakes of 2008. Please find your state below and click on the link. Also, remember to look at Page 2 (required by all 50 states). Print these documents. Pass them out to your friends, family, church, and community. You could even email the info or the web address to this page. Many people don't have this wealth of information about the candidates and could benefit from having it.
Also, please consider donating to "The Pray In Jesus Name Project". I don't work for them nor do I receive any money from them, but I do endorse their work and ask God to bless them.
SELECT HERE TO JOIN TO OUR NATIONWIDE FAX-CAMPAIGN, and learn how you can help fax these free voter guides to 125,000 pastors in all 50 states
SELECT HERE TO JOIN TO OUR NATIONWIDE FAX-CAMPAIGN, and learn how you can help fax these free voter guides to 125,000 pastors in all 50 states
(Imagine if patriot pastors simply informed their people how Congress voted!)
Non-partisan voter guides that simply report how Congress voted are fully AUTHORIZED BY THE IRS for distribution in churches. Details here.
IMPORTANT: All 50 States require you also Print Page 2 Here (back)
Page 1 of each state is below (front of 8.5x11 sheet)
Non-partisan voter guides that simply report how Congress voted are fully AUTHORIZED BY THE IRS for distribution in churches. Details here.
IMPORTANT: All 50 States require you also Print Page 2 Here (back)
Page 1 of each state is below (front of 8.5x11 sheet)
SELECT HERE TO HELP FAX VOTER-GUIDES TO 125,000 PASTORS. Let's "Shock and Awe" Pelosi and Reid -- Fax Voter Guides to 125K Pastors Breaking News: The Pray In Jesus Name Project has found a way to help the faith-based community take back Congress this fall, by mobilizing 125,000 patriot pastors to "get out the church vote." But we need your help here. Former Navy Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt is planning to fax up to 125,000 conservative pastors willing to receive FREE VOTER GUIDES, which are now being printed for all 50 states. These voter guides are non-partisan, and neither endorse nor oppose any candidate for office, they simply report factually the votes of all incumbent Congressmen and Senators on three to seven key issues that are important to Christian people. The IRS has specifically authorized both churches and 501c3 organizations to distribute non-partisan voter guides like ours, so long as they only report facts such as "how Congress voted" without substantial editorial comment. An example voter guide is can be found here. In the next three weeks, IF ENOUGH CITIZENS PLEASE DONATE to buy subscriptions for every pastor in their own state (at just 29 cents per pastor, far less than postage!), we will fax real voter guides on real paper to thousands of churches, preparing those pastors to lead their churches to vote at the ballot box on November 2nd, 2010. Our fax machines are loaded and ready to blast nationwide. But we cannot proceed without funds. How many pastors can you sponsor with a donated subscription? The voter guides are free, but it will cost us up to $36,250 to properly distribute them to real pastors on real paper. How many churches can you sponsor? What small or large amount can you pitch in? SELECT HERE TO DONATE A FREE SUBSCRIPTION TO 100 or 1000 PASTORS IN YOUR STATE, AND WE WILL FAX NON-PARTISAN VOTER GUIDES RIGHT AWAY! Please join me in prayer: Father in Heaven, Please bless the folks of "The Pray In Jesus Name Project" for this fine work that they have conducted. May the results of their work glorify and honor you, and place people who will glorify and honor you into our Congress. May your will be done and may your kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven. In Jesus name we pray these things and for His sake. Amen. |