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Thursday, April 23, 2009

Considering the Stars

Hellooooooo out there!

Lately, I have been researching a lot about the constellations. Mainly because of a dream I had about a month or so ago. If God permits, I'll write an article about the dream.

No, not the "zodiac" that the blind present-day astrologers, new age, secularists pawn off onto society as though their gibberish has any practical relevancy. It is the "mazzaroth" that I have been pursuing and searching for the meaning(s) which God gave to all of the stars and what His meaning is when different planets and stars "conjunct".

I have been reading a book by E.W. Bullinger entitled "The Witness of the Stars" which you can read here. E.W. seems to have his stuff together on this. There's also a book by Joseph Seiss entitled "The Gospel in the Stars" that is compelling.

I believe that God has revealed His divine plan in the stars. It's been right under our nose (or right over our nose in this case) all of this time. How many of us have not considered and gave reverence to God over how he placed the objects of the heavens into the sky? Well, I plan to search it as much as I can until God restrains me.

Check out the video below and think about it.

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