The Electoral College has spoken!
McCain didn't even get half as many electoral votes as Obama by the count at 1:12am on 11/5/08 according to the Yahoo "Political Dashboard" that I was viewing on election night and McCain called Obama and conceded defeat. By the way, didn't someone that bears a striking resemblance to myself say that McCain would not win?
I am truly dumbfounded that a majority of the people in this country would vote for a man who is associated with terrorists (the PLO no less) while we are supposed to be fighting terrorists. How ridiculous is that??
Well, I guess at this point we must chalk it up to a bad decision. And you know the only thing you can do with a bad decision is to try to make the best of it and resolve to never EVER do it again. That is assuming that we survive it.
Don't I Get Some Change With That?
I overheard a conversation that a friend of mine was having with someone right after the election results came in.
"Well, I guess they'll get the 'change' that they voted for," he said.
He was half-right: They will get the change and so will we...whether we like it or not. I have a feeling that some of the people who voted for him will be shocked to find out exactly what that “change” is. However, they really shouldn't be surprised. The information was there for them to make an informed decision, but some people were totally uninterested in educating themselves about the candidates.
You had some people who saw Barack Obama for their first time and immediately decided that he was their man—without any other thoughts of critiquing him passing through their mind. Some people made this decision because he was black (Gasp! Did I really say the "B" word???). Yes, that's right. Some people saw this as being "a long time coming" (just as Barack himself said in his victory speech) and decided that a black president was long overdue for
At this point, I would like to clear up any misconceptions you may have assumed about me and my opinions up to this portion of this article. Obama was elected overwhelmingly by the black (or African-American, for those of you who need political correctness in your lives. I am just an American, by the way…) vote and by a great deal of Americans of all other races. I am overjoyed that we live in a country where can look past race and elect a person regardless of their skin color to our highest office. I saw Obama too you know, and I truly wanted to be able to say that I would vote for him, but I looked at his political background, voting history, and his political/personal associations and simply could not vote for him in good conscience. One thing that Obama supports is abortion (child sacrifice). Ok, so Obama says that he is not pro-abortion, he is pro-choice—what’s the difference? You are still saying it is ok to sacrifice a child aren’t you? God is against abortion (Read Jeremiah 7:30-34; Ezekiel 16:20-21, 36-38; 20:31)!
Some (mostly African-Americans) saw this as a prime opportunity to vote a black man into the presidency—I did too! Let me just get right down to it: Obama is suave. The man is sophisticated, and an eloquent speaker. No doubt about it. He is charming and personable. Before I researched him I thought, “this might be an ok guy—somebody I can really get behind.” After my research, I was forced to conclude, “not this one.”
I personally have no problem with the
I was greatly dismayed by the outcome of the election. When I saw the end result I questioned myself, "what have we done?" Never (and I do mean NEVER) have we done something so irresponsible. Do you realize that we just took an legislator who is terribly short on experience and made him the "leader of the free world"? And that's not the worst of it; we took a terrorist-admiring, communist-economy driven man and placed him into the highest office in the land? We have never done something so absent-minded in our entire history as a nation! There has never been a President of the
You: You're a racist.
Me: Get your hand out of the race card deck, chief.
I'm not even in it about the race. I don't care that Obama is black. Let me say that again...
Did you read what I just wrote? Do you understand that? Let me ask that another way...
If you don't understand that, then obviously you are not capable.
Bottom line: I don't care if Barack is the one-eyed, one-horned, flying purple people eater. Do you realize that his relationships with terrorists would disqualify him from being a member of his own Secret Service protection team? Yet, he is our president? Anyone else see a problem here???
Then I questioned God, "what do we do now, Lord?"
Another part of me kinda figured that this is the way it would turn out. In the back of my mind, I ponder whether or not McCain was actually running interference for this guy (Obama). It didn't seem like McCain was doing all that he could do to win this election to me. Of course, I have no real solid evidence to support this, but the way his campaign was sorta laxed does raise questions with me. Whether McCain did this or not is immaterial at this point I guess.
What is important is what we as Christians do now.
Support Your President!
Yes, that’s right. I said, “support your President!” Daniel 4:25 says:
“…the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will.”
God had always known that Obama would be elected as our president. God sets our rulers over us. He may not agree with everything Obama has done, but God saw it fit to establish him as our leader.
Do we have to support abortion? No.
Do we have to support same-sex marriage? No.
Do we have to support the dividing and sell-off of
In short, we as Christians are to oppose any sinful act committed by our leadership. Whether it be the president, our governor, our mayor, or our supervisor at work—it doesn’t matter.
From the day that we asked Jesus to save us and believed in Him, we became new creatures. We are no longer of this world. We are citizens of Heaven and we are here in the world as ambassadors of the Almighty God.
We are here to spread the good news of the grace of God through His son Jesus. More to the point, we are to tell others how to be saved and invite them to become saved also.
It is also our job to call out our leaders for their sins and to fast and pray to God to speak to their hearts and convict them of their sins. Daniel did it to King Nebuchadnezzar. John the Baptist did it to King Herod. If these two great men of God had to do it, then who are we to think that we don’t?
When you call them out for their sins, quote the proper scripture to them so they know that they are in opposition to God on a particular matter.
When you fast and pray, declare to God the things that you think are wrong according to His Word.
And if you don’t know what to do, then pray and fast to God for His guidance. He will tell you!
Also, always remember that while your leadership will not always do the right thing in accordance to the Word of God, the end result will not change. We will still be raptured. Jesus will still return to set up his 1,000 year kingdom on earth, and we are still going to Heaven.
Gotta run!
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