Saying what DIDN'T happen might be easier...
Well, I know that one thing did not happen--I did not spend all day scanning and analyzing news reports to see what actually happened that day.
Why? Because my dad and uncle were helping me cut down some trees in my yard and working in my garden.
Couldn't you have done that on another day? Yes, but when people are offering to help you and not charge you anything for their work, then you should operate on their schedule or else you may not have any help. Besides, this is my dad and my uncle (dad's brother), and if they're ready to work, then I am too.
But didn't you wonder what was happening in the world? Ooooooooh yes. All day long as a matter of fact. I even mentioned to my dad that this was the day that I had in my dream. I had told him about the dream a few weeks prior.
I'll tell you what happened to me on May 23rd, 2009: We cut down a tree that took the corner of the roof off of my house!
Why? Because my dad and uncle were helping me cut down some trees in my yard and working in my garden.
Couldn't you have done that on another day? Yes, but when people are offering to help you and not charge you anything for their work, then you should operate on their schedule or else you may not have any help. Besides, this is my dad and my uncle (dad's brother), and if they're ready to work, then I am too.
But didn't you wonder what was happening in the world? Ooooooooh yes. All day long as a matter of fact. I even mentioned to my dad that this was the day that I had in my dream. I had told him about the dream a few weeks prior.
I'll tell you what happened to me on May 23rd, 2009: We cut down a tree that took the corner of the roof off of my house!
I couldn't believe it. We had planned it all out and figured that we should have no trouble--or so it seemed. Well, the tree came down and so did part of my roof. So, I guess you know what happened on May 24th, right? Yep, we were all back out there: dad, uncle, and me were repairing the roof. Actually, I think it's in better shape now than it was before the tree pulverized it. Believe me, I would have much rather been scanning news reports than agonizing over how to explain to my wife how part of the roof of the house was now on the front lawn.
Long story short (too late), I have only now had an opportunity to see what happened on and around May 23rd, and here is what I've found so far:
Koehler was re-elected as Germany's president on May 23rd.
Ban Ki Moon (United Nations Secretary General) paid a visit to Sri Lanka on May 23rd asking for relief agencies to have access to the refugee camps there.
On May 23rd: Former South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun committed suicide.
Muslim, Jewish and Christian leaders gathered on May 23rd at the Riverdale Jewish Center where the terrorist plot was foiled, and the so-called imam named Konaté said, "The Quran gives no permission to kill in the name of Allah" <--blah! Don't get me wrong, I am glad that those four goofs weren't able to carry out their violent plan, but the fact that this imam would claim that his book doesn't promote killing in the name of his god stupefies me. Either the guy knows that it does and lied, or he hasn't read the book. However, the most interesting part is that this event is being showcased as three major world religions "coming together" against terrorism. Look for more of this in the future. Just check out the intentions of the Theosophical Society.
I was astonished to find out that the world would propose dividing Jerusalem on the same day that Israel memorializes the reunification of Jerusalem (ie: "Jerusalem Day"). My gosh! Have they no respect whatsoever for God or His nation???
On May 24, Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu defied Obama (to my joy) and said that Israel will continue building existing settlements.
North Korea conducted a nuclear weapons test on May 25, 2009.
On May 25th, Iran sent six warships into international waters and the Gulf of Aden region in a historically unprecedented move by the Iranian Navy.
Oh, and the conjunctions of Neptune, Jupiter, and Chiron began.
So, I'd like to tell you of the definite conclusions that I have drawn from all of this. So far? Not much...
Really...the above events, taken just as they are, look to me to just be evidence of the steady progression towards the one world government led by the antichrist into the tribulation period. You can look at the news on any given day of this century and find that same kind of evidence. So far, I see nothing about May 23, 2009 that stands out as being significant to the context of my dream. Yes, some significant things happened that day, but nothing that make me say, "YES! That's what my dream was all about!"
I mean, I guess if I were a real conspiracy nut, I could say, "Du-u-u-u-ude, Germany (the birthplace of Nazism no less) re-elected their president on May 23rd..." but I don't think that I have enough evidence to say something like that backs up my dream being valid.
Or I could go on and on and on about the three religious leaders of different religions getting together to denounce terrorism, but there's just not that much there for me to run with.
Netanyahu dissing Obama about the settlements could be good fodder. I mean, Bibi (Netanyahu) said it on May 24 in Israel which means it could have still been May 23 here in the western hemisphere, right? Oh stop it! That's just too desperate...
All I can really say folks, is that if something significant happened on May 23rd, then I must have missed it. Perhaps something significant did indeed happen but won't be realized until later? Or, maybe my dream was just the result of random thoughts from my overactive imagination while I slept which would mean, I must admit, that yours truly foolishly pursued it...or was it so foolish?
Well, I don't plan to give up on this just yet. Even in today's 24-hour headline news society, news doesn't always hit the newsstands the same day that it occurs. I'll just keep my eyes and ears open for now.
Here are a few of other interesting tidbits that I found...
Did you know that an image of a "crown of thorns" in space was captured by the Hubble Space Telescope and reported by Fox News on 4/8/09 exactly 4 days prior to Easter Sunday (4/12/09)? So, if Easter on 4/12/09 represents the day that Christ resurrected from the dead, and He was in the grave for the 3 preceding days (4/9/09-4/11/09), then 4/8/09 would represent the day that Jesus had the crown of thorns placed on His head and was crucified! (See John, Chapter 10) Am I the only one that sees the connection here??
Also, an image of a "giant hand reaching across space" was captured by a NASA observatory and reported by Fox News on 4/7/09. Some say that it could represent the hand of Christ.
If you make a negative image of it, then you can see where the puncture wound from the nail which held Him to the cross would be. Not sure what biblical implications this might propose...we need a "wise man" to interpret these things.
On 2/25/09, telegraph.co.uk reported that European astronomers snapped a picture of a “Big Brother-style cosmic eye” that they nicknamed the “Eye of God”.
On 2/4/09, a "green comet" (named "Lulin") made it's closest approach to Earth on 2/4/09 and was seen over Jerusalem. Revelations says the fourth horseman rides a pale green horse! Swine flu is being called an epidemic...coincidence? Gary Stearman's article about this (Read it here) says, "...in the spring of A.D. 70, Flavius Josephus reported a star/comet that looked like a sword hanging over Jerusalem for about a year...[and] continued listing a series of strange events in the spring of A.D. 70..."
Gary then recounts the strange events that Josephus recorded that year (70 AD):
Lights around the altar?
A heifer bringing forth a lamb in the midst of the temple as it was being lead to be sacrificed?
Chariots and soldiers (UFO's?) running in the clouds in the sky??
You know, I wish I were as smart as Daniel the prophet or Joseph the son of Jacob. Both of those dudes could interpret dreams. Of course, they were both able to interpret dreams because God made it possible. I just don't have that gift, and I really wish that I did. I mean when Daniel or Joseph interpreted a dream, they were dead-on 100% accurate. I bet I could interpret that dream that I had if I were blessed as a dream interpreter.
Or if I can't be a dream interpreter, then I wish I were as smart as those "wise men" from the east that saw the "star of Bethlehem" and knew without any doubt that the Messiah had been born. Their confidence was impeccable. I bet I could tell what the conjunctions of Jupiter, Neptune, and Chiron meant if I were blessed as a reader of the "signs in the sky".
Alas, I have not been blessed in either of those ways and maybe never will be. I guess there's no harm in dreaming about it.
Gotta run,
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